Partner With Us
Product Description
On Site Chair Massage
Health and Wellness education (lunch and learns)
Basically if you have employees, the P Touch Therapeutic Massage is what you NEED!
90% of diseases are a direct result of prolonged exposure to stress according to the centers for disease control (CDC)
5 minutes of massage therapy is equal to two hours of complete rest according to a study by Kellogg’s Art of Massage
Blood pressure and stress are greatly reduced as a result of a 15 minute on site chair massage. According to a study conducted at Bowling Green State University
Positioning/ Experience by partnering with the P Touch Therapeutic Massage
The P Touch Therapeutic Massage brings expertise, and an educated touch. We equip you with a working knowledge of your anatomy and how it functions
From the instant we lay eyes on a client, we are analyzing. Your facial expressions, your gait.
We are palpating or touching, not just with the hands, but with integrity and character to get to the Core what could be happening within your anatomy
When you encounter the P Touch Therapeutic Massage you are getting what we call the 5 P’s (pun intended)
1. Progressive always on the cutting edge of the latest therapies
2. Personal (detailed care plan , designed specifically for you)
3. POWER: we are the power to help heal, we are the POWER of you
4. Professional : we foster a secure and confidential environment observing HIPPA laws
5. Preventive: we are the intercessory piece to get to your employees BEFORE the point of pain, BEFORE the point of stress.
Dollar for dollar you are getting an exponential return on your investment
We come to YOU! Not the other way around. CONVENIENCE
We work strictly around your employees break schedule
Give us 15 minutes and your LIFE will be forever be changed. We are literally Touching Lives, with one Touch!
You can partner with us through
1. Speaking engagements (lunch and learns)
2. Company sponsored 15 minute on site chair massage (do these in blocks pre-payed)
3. Employee funded massage therapy (employee pays for themselves)
4. Health fairs, corporate events, and conferences
Companies that we have partnered with
1. Curves International
2. Dole Food Corporation Springfield Ohio Division
3. United Senior Services
4. Baltimore County Public Schools
5. Lady of America Fitness Clubs
6. Good Samaritan Hospital Systems Baltimore Maryland
The P Touch Therapeutic Massage
7585 Wrenview Drive
Springfield, Ohio 45502